Autocrine and paracrine growth factors in tumor growth: A mathematical model

A mathematical model of tumor growth including autocrine and paracrine control has been developed. The model starts with the logistic equation of Verhulst: dV/dt=rV(1−V/K). Autocrine controls are described as modifiers of the Malthusian growth rate (r), while paracrine controls modify the carrying capacity (K) of the system. The control mechanisms are expressed in terms of “candidate” functions, which are based upon the dynamic distribution of TGF-alpha and TGF-beta in the local tumor environment. Three paradigms of tissue growth have been modeled: normal tissue wound repair, unrestricted, unperturbed tumor growth, and tumor growth in a (radiation) damaged environment (the Tumor Bed Effect, TBE). These scenarios were used to test the dynamics of the system against known phenomena. Computer simulations are presented for each case. The model is being extended to include the description of heterogeneous tumors, within which subpopulations can express differential degrees of growth activity. Heterogeneous tumor models, with and without emergent subpopulations, and models of terminal differentiation are also discussed.