Measurement of the Proton-Neutron Elastic-Scattering Polarization from 2 to 6 GeV/c

Left-right asymmetries from a deuterium target in a polarized-proton beam were observed with the Argonne National Laboratory effective-mass spectrometer. Results were obtained for both pp and pn elastic scattering from t=0.15 to 1.0 GeV2 at 2, 3, 4, and 6 GeV/c. For t0.6 GeV2 the pn polarization was found to have the same sign as for pp, but with faster energy dependence, the ratio P(pn)P(pp) at t=0.3 GeV2 falling from 0.78±0.02 at 2 GeV/c to 0.22±0.03 at 6 GeV/c.