The main steps in the development of isocentric megavoltage external beam radiation therapy machines are briefly reviewed identifying three principal types or generations of equipment to date. The new fourth generation of equipment presented here is characterized by considerably increased flexibility in dose delivery through the use of scanned elementary electron and photon beams of very high quality. Furthermore the wide energy range and the possibility of using high resolution multileaf collimation with all beam modalities makes it possible to simplify irradiation techniques and increase the accuracy in dose delivery. The main design features are described including a dual dipole magnet scanning system, a photon beam purging magnet, a helium atomsphere in the treatment head, a beam's eye view video readout system of the collimator setting and a radiotherapeutic computed tomography facility. Some of the clinical applications of this new type of radiation therapy machine are finally reviewed, such as the ease of performing beam flattening, beam filtering and compensation, and the simplification of many treatment techniques using the wide spectrum of high quality electron and photon beams. Finally the interesting possibility of doing conformation and more general isocentric treatments with non-uniform beams using the multileaf collimator and the scanning system are demonstrated.

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