Lyophilized Partial Ossicular Replacement Allografts

This report deals with the use of partial ossicular replacement allografts (PORAs) in the stable ear, ie, a middle ear free of any residual or recurrent disease process such as fluid, cholesteatoma or infection. PORAs have been used by Shinn and Smith at the Ear Medical Clinic of Santa Clara Valley between July 1978 and December 1981; they are used to span the distance between the malleus and the head of the stapes or tympanic membrane. Lyophilized ethylene oxide sterilized PORAs have been available through the Northern California Transplant Bank, San Francisco, since July 1978. Twenty-four of 32 PORAs (75%) used in stable ears closed the air-bone gap within 10 dB. Of the eight ears that did not have satisfactory functional hearing, it was evident within one year and there was no further deterioration noted up to four years. There was no evidence of PORA extrusion or erosion.

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