A combination atmospheric pressure LC/MS:GC/MS ion source: Advantages of dual AP-LC/MS:GC/MS instrumentation

Modification of commercial LC/MS instrumentation to allow both atmospheric pressure (AP) LC/MS and GC/MS is described. Advantages of this additional capability versus LC/MS alone include higher chromatographic resolution in the GC versus LC mode, greater peak capacity for complex mixture analysis, higher sensitivity for a variety of volatile compounds, and the ability to observe compounds of low polarity that are not readily observed in LC/MS. Advantages over conventional GC/MS include the ability to use higher carrier gas flow and shorter columns for passing less volatile materials through the gas chromatograph, selective ionization, and rapid switching between positive and negative ion modes. Other advantages include application of the enhanced capabilities of LC/MS instrumentation to GC/MS analyses such as cone voltage fragmentation, MSn, high mass resolution, and accurate mass measurement. Limitations of APGC/MS include the inability to observe saturated hydrocarbon and certain other highly nonpolar compounds and less odd-electron fragmentation for computer aided library searching. For some analyses, the limitation related to ionization of highly nonpolar compounds is advantageous, as is the simplified mass spectrum and easy molecular weight identification that results from less fragmentation observed in the AP ionization mode.

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