Signatures for fourth-generation quarks and a heavy top quark at the Superconducting Super Collider

We examine methods for detection of new heavy quarks at the Superconducting Super Collider where the heavy quark could be either one of a fourth generation of quarks (a,v), or a very massive (∼150 GeV) top quark. The signals can be classified according to number of leptons in the final state. Requiring the presence of a single fast isolated lepton along with ≥4 jets and p?T allows one to separate the a,v, or t signal from backgrounds. Heavy-quark pairs are produced with sufficient hemispheric separation to allow the direction of one of the quarks to be tagged by the transverse momentum of the isolated high-pT lepton. A distinct enhancement is then observed at the heavy-quark mass in the cluster mass spectrum of all jets moving opposite to the lepton. A fourth-generation quark should also be visible in the two isolated lepton channel, and its mass resolvable. Additional signals from multilepton events would then also be present, though these channels may not yield a heavy-quark mass determination.