The ugp-encoded transport system of Escherichia coli accumulates sn-glycerol-3-phosphate with high affinity; it is binding protein mediated and part of the pho regulon. Here, we report that glycerophosphoryl diesters (deacylated phospholipids) are also high-affinity substrates for the ugp-encoded system. The diesters are not taken up in an unaltered form but are hydrolyzed during transport to sn-glycerol-3-phosphate plus the corresponding alcohols. The enzyme responsible for this reaction is not essential for the translocation of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate or for the glycerophosphoryl diesters but can only hydrolyze diesters that are in the process of being transported. Diesters in the periplasm or in the cytoplasm were not recognized, and no enzymatic activity could be detected in cellular extracts. The enzyme is encoded by the last gene in the ugp operon, termed ugpQ. The product of the ugpQ gene, expressed in minicells, has an apparent molecular weight of 17,500. We present evidence that only one major phoB-dependent promoter controls all ugp genes.