Optical rotary saturation in a gas

The optical analog of the nuclear magnetic resonance rotary saturation effect is demonstrated and analyzed. A 9.6-μm CO2 laser resonance excitation of vibrational transitions in gaseous CH3F creates an effective splitting in the interaction representation of the optical two-level system. A radio-frequency standing-wave Stark electric field is tuned in rotary saturation resonance with the splitting. The change in transmitted laser beam intensity, because of rotary resonance, is measured in terms of transient optical signals obtained by the Stark switching method of Brewer and Shoemaker. The measured single and multiphoton rotary saturation resonance signals are compared with perturbation and computer solutions of nonlinear Bloch-Maxwell macroscopic equations. Doppler-free rotary saturation spectra are obtained in the presence of inhomogeneous Doppler broadening by a special scheme of Fourier analysis. A discussion is presented of the coupling of energy between two traveling waves that are in double resonance with the optical two-level system. The concept of spin temperature is discussed in relation to a coherently excited optical level system with a long fluorescence lifetime. The possibility of a cross-relaxation double resonance experiment between an optical system and a spin system is outlined.