A Glucose-Dependent Mechanism in Jejunum Inhibits Gastric Acid Secretion: A Response Mediated through Enteroglucagon?

In healthy subjects iso- and hyper-tonic glucose or saline was instilled intrajejunally and the effect on gastric acid secretion determined. Iso- and hyper-tonic glucose (100 ml; 300, 600, 900, 1200 mosm) reduced acid secretion dose-dependently (p < 0.05), whereas iso- and hyper-tonic saline (100 ml; 300, 1000, 1500 mosm) was without influence. The enteroglucagon plasma levels increased during intrajejunal glucose but not during saline infusion. Gastrin and pancreatic glucagon levels were not affected. Hence, our results substantiate the concept of a non-osmosensitive, glucose-specific inhibitory mechanism of acid secretion located in the jejunum. Furthermore, enteroglucagon could be a possible humoral mediator of the inhibition.