Effect of Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) and Other Factors on Stability of Added Vitamin A in Dry and Fluid Milks

When incorporated into milks with glyceryl monooleate as a carrier solvent, vitamin A palmitate was moderately stable in air-packed dry whole milk, and appreciably less stable in air-packed nonfat dry milk solids. Destruction was less in dried milks preheated to 180[degree] F for 30 minutes than in those preheated to 145[degree]F. Adequate gas-packing under nitrogen effectively retarded the destruction of added vitamin A. Vitamin A in fluid whole milk and in skimmilk gradually deteriorated at 40[degree] F in dark storage, and it was rapidly destroyed in clear-glass bottles in sunlight. NDGA markedly protected vitamin A in air-packed dry milks, particularly nonfat dry milk solids. It also retarded vitamin A destruction in fluid milks, except in samples exposed to sunlight in clear-glass bottles.