Clinical Comparison of Maphenide and Silver Sulphadiazine

A series of 645 consecutive burn injuries are analysed. There were 175 patients in the control group, 156 in the Maphenide (Sulfamylon) group and 314 in the Silver Sulphadiazine (S. S. D.) group. The Maphenide group and S.S.D. group are compared statistically with the control group. S.S.D. proved superior in relation to clinical infection rate and culture rate in reduction of Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. Other culture rates were analysed. There were significant reductions in both groups for E. coli and Candida albicans. Pneumonias were significantly increased in both groups and the mortality rate reduced with S.S.D. Overall S.S.D. gave better results than Maphenide.