Myocardial infarction: Is bepridil, a new calcium antagonist, able to improve the course of the acute phase?

Several calcium antagonists are useful in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. This open randomized study was designed to determine the effects of bepridil, a new long-acting calcium antagonist with antiarrhythmic properties, on the course of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Two hundred patients with AMI of less than 48 hours duration (average 10.9 hours) were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: The first one was treated with bepridil (BEP, n=100), and the second one was considered as a control group, using isosorbide dinitrate at a low dosage (ISDN, n=100). BEP was administered intravenously for 48 hours at a dosage of 4 mg/kg/day; at the same time, an oral dose of 200 mg t.i.d. was started and continued for 21 days. In the control group, ISDN was given orally at the low dosage of 5 mg every 4 hours for 21 days. An uneventful course was seen in 28 BEP patients versus 15 in the control group (pMortality and recurrence of angina were lower in the BEP group than in the control group, but the difference is not significant. On the other hand, moderate and severe hemodynamic complications did not occur in 80 BEP patients versus 65 in the control group (pVentricular arrhythmias occurred in 36 BEP patients versus 50 in the control group (pp<0.001). These results show that bepridil seems capable of improving the hemodynamics and arrhythmologic course of AMI.