Vesicorenal Reflux and Upper Urinary Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma after Transurethral Resection of Recurrent Superficial Bladder Carcinoma

Of 288 patients with superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder vesicorenal reflux developed after transurethral resection in 26 per cent. This proportion was higher (77 per cent) when we considered only those tumors located near the ureteral orifices. There was a statistically significant relationship (p less than 0.001) between the development of upper urinary tract tumors and vesicorenal reflux (20 per cent of the patients with reflux and 0.9 per cent without reflux had a tumor), which corresponds to a 22-fold greater risk in the former group. Close followup is advised, since 1 of 5 patients with reflux after transurethral resection may have upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma.