AC-and DC-powered subnanosecond 1-kbit Josephson cache memory design

The address decoders, address line drivers, and sense circuits of the fully decoded memory consist of resistor-coupled Josephson logic circuits to realize fast access. The memory cell is constructed from two three-junction symmetric SQUID (superconducting quantum interface device) gates, and a four-flux-quanta storage loop for enabling bipolar current drive. This memory configuration has intrinsic advantages in regard to magnetic flux trapping in address lines and a gate circuit latch-up problem over a DC-powered memory constructed from inductor coupled gates. Individual control and cell circuits were fabricated, using a lead-alloy process, and their operation was verified. A 570-ps read access time is estimated as the sum measured 280-ps decoding time, and calculated 130-ps address line current rising time, 110-ps sense time, and 50-ps signal propagation time. The 1-kb chip is designed to consume 9 mW without voltage regulators.<>