Thermospray-LC-MS analysis of various groups of polyphenols in tea

This paper describes the application of thermospray-HPLC-MS (buffer ionization mode, single-stage MS, positive ion detection) to the analysis of flavanols (catechins), flavonolO-glycosides, flavoneC-glycosides as well as caffeine, theobromine, theogallin and theanine from tea. All compounds are detected as pseudo-molecular ions [M+H]+. Other molecular ion species are adducts with sodium, potassium, ammonium and solvent clusters. The catechin gallates and the flavonol glycosides are fragmented. The fragmentation is temperature dependent. The glycoside bond is labile and consequently the flavonol glycosides have the protonated aglycone as this base peak. The ester bonds in the catechin gallates are more stable and the fragmentation is limited. The fragment pattern contributes to the structural information. LC-ther-mospray-MS is a good analytical tool for identifying the polyphenols mentioned above both in tea and other foodstuffs, especially in method development and structural elucidation.