Sound propagation in the ear canal and coupling to the eardrum, with measurements on model systems

A theoretical model of sound propagation in the ear canal is described, which takes into account both the complicated geometry of renal ear canals and the distributed acoustical load presented by the eardrum. The geometry of the ear canal enters the theory in the form of a cross-sectional area function relative to a curved axis that follows the center of the ear canal. The tympanic membrane forms part of the ear canal wall and absorbs acoustical energy over its surface. Its motion leads to a driving term that must be added to the horn equation describing the pressure distribution in the ear canal. The sound field within the canal is assumed to be effectively one dimensional, depending only on longitudinal position along the canal. Experiments using model ear canals of uniform cross section were performed to test the ability of the theory to handle distributed loads. Sound-pressure distributions within each model canal were measured using a probe microphone. The behavior of the eardrum was simulated using either a distributed, locally reacting impedance or a mechanically driven piston. The agreeement between theory and experiment is good up to a nominal upper frequency limit at which the ratio of canal width to wavelength is 0.25. It is estimated that the theory is applicable in ear canals of cats for frequencies at least as high as 25 kHz and in human ear canals to at least 15 kHz.

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