Inhibition of photosynthesis by low oxygen concentrations

The effect of changing the oxygen concentration from 21 to 2% on photosynthesis of wheat, sunflower, and soybean was investigated. At low CO2 concentrations and low light intensities, a stimulation of photosynthesis was observed in 2% oxygen compared with the rate in 21% O2. At high CO2 concentrations and high light intensities, a temporary inhibition of photosynthesis was observed when the oxygen concentration was changed from 21 to 2%. In wheat and sunflower, this inhibition was observed at progressively lower CO2 concentrations as temperatures were decreased. In soybean only, a slight inhibition of photosynthesis was observed at higher temperatures. In some cases, especially in plants grown under a low light intensity, a long-lasting (> 45 min) inhibition of photosynthesis was observed. In most cases, however, the inhibition lasted only for several minutes and final rates of photosynthesis in 2% O2 were equal to or greater than the rate of photosynthesis in 21% O2. The stimulatory effect of oxygen on photosynthesis at high CO2 concentrations and high light intensities could possibly be due to a regulation of the oxidation–reduction state of the electron transport chain and the maintenance of phosphorylation.