The electron-excited K alpha 1 and K alpha 2 X-ray spectra of the metals Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu have been investigated with the aid of curved-crystal spectrometry, and are compared with respect to asymmetry indices and FWHM values. Three alternative approximations have been applied in the calculations, i.e. one symmetric lorentzian per line, two symmetric lorentzians per line and two skew lorentzians per line. Fractional contributions to the extra non-line intensity from the multiplet structure, the skewness effect and from radiative Auger processes have been evaluated, indicating that the multiplet structure is of major importance for Cr and Fe, while radiative Auger processes are dominant for Ni and Cu. The three effects yield about the same magnitude of extra non-line intensity in the case of Co. The radiative Auger processes give a relative intensity of approximately the same magnitude, i.e. approximately 8% of the main line peak intensity, for all the elements in question and for both the alpha 1 line and the alpha 2 line.