Factor Rb in unheated aqueous liver extract (LE) resists urea denaturation and, at least partly, the action of 0.1 N acid and 0.1 N_base. Peptic digestion Appears to destroy it. LE has been fractionated with ammonium sulfate. The fractions coming down at 20-40% (LPF-B) and 40-60% (LPF-C) saturation have most of the activity. In the fresh state LPF-C is more active than _B, but aging greatly increases the activity of the former; the effect of aging on the latter has not yet been tested. These fractions support good cultures of R. briggsae when supplemented with the supernatant (ALE) from autoclaved LE. Fresh LPF-C and aged (but not fresh) LPF-B also support good cultures when supplemented with known materials only (VES)[long dash]certain vitamins, carbohydrates, and mineral salts. Various modifications and supplementations of the LPF + ALE and LPF + VES media have also been tried with varying results. Factor Rb has not yet been prepared in a non_protein form.