Exocrine secretions of the andromeda lace bugStephanitis takeyai (Hemiptera: Tingidae)

The four major components of the setal exudate of nymphs of the andromeda lace bug,Stephanitis takeyai, were identified. They are 7-hydroxy-3-nonylchromanone1, the novel 3,5-dihydroxy-2-dodecanoylcyclohex-2-en-1-one2,2′,6′-dihydroxydodecanophenone3, and its 3-hydroxy derivative4. Only three species ofStephanitis commonly occur in the United States; withS. takeyai we have now identified the major compounds secreted by each of these species. The individual species of the genus are chemotaxonomically distinct and are characterized by the oxidation states of the secreted compounds.