Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Analytes Using Copalis Technology: A Reduction to Practice

Coupled Particle Light Scattering (Copalis) is a homogeneous immunoassay technology that enables the simultaneous determination of multiple analytes in serum, plasma, or whole blood (1) . The Copalis system measures changes in light-scattering properties of particles when they form antibody-mediated complexes. The system can measure two types of events: polystyrene microparticle coagglutination and polystyrene-gold colloid microparticle coupling. In the first format, polystyrene microparticles are differentiated from their complexed aggregates as a function of antigen concentration or serological response. The second format measures the broadening of the microparticle light scatter histogram as gold particles are attached. In both cases, light scattering analysis is performed as particles flow singly through a finely focused laser beam.