The Mannitol negativeShigellaGroup

A comparative study of the mannitol-negative Shigella organisms showed that strains described as type Q771 (Sachs), S. arabinotarda type A (Christensen and Gowen) and strain 8524 (Gober, et al.) were identical. Type Q1167 (Sachs) and S. arabinotarda type B were also identical. 8 sero-types were recognized which could be readily identified by slide agglutination with diluted unad-sorbed antiserums. These included S. dysenteriae, S. ambi-gua, 5 strains described by Sachs and one hitherto undescribed type. Three types described by Sachs (A12, B81, B105) and the organism described by Berger as B. wakefield are more accurately classified in the paracolon group than in the Shigella genus. An aerogenic, slow lactose-fermenting, motile paragolon organism was described which had the identical somatic antigen of Shigella sp. type Q771.

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