Magnetoresistivity andHc2(T)inMgB2

Detailed magnetotransport data on dense wires of MgB2 are reported for applied magnetic fields up to 18 T. The temperature and field dependencies of the electrical resistivity are consistent with MgB2 behaving like a simple metal and following a generalized form of Kohler’s rule. In addition, given the generally higher-Tc values and narrower resistive transition widths associated with MgB2 synthesized in this manner, combined with applied magnetic fields of up to 18 T, an accurate and complete Hc2(T) curve could be determined. This curve agrees well with curves determined from lower field measurements on sintered pellets and wires of MgB2. Hc2(T) is linear in T over a wide range of temperature (7K<~T<~32K) and has an upward curvature for T close to Tc. These features are similar to other high κ, clean limit, boron-bearing intermetallics: YNi2B2C and LuNi2B2C.