Magnetoresistivity and Complete $H_{c2}(T)$ in $MgB_2$

  • 22 February 2001
Detailed magneto-transport data on dense wires of $MgB_2$ are reported for applied magnetic fields up to 18 T. The temperature and field dependencies of the electrical resistivity are consistent with $MgB_2$ behaving like a simple metal and following a generalized form of Kohler's rule. In addition, given the generally higher $T_c$ values and narrower resistive transition widths associated with $MgB_2$ synthesized in this manner, combined with applied magnetic fields of up to 18 T, an accurate and complete $H_{c2}(T)$ curve could be determined. This curve agrees well with curves determined from lower field measurements on sintered pellets and wires of $MgB_2$. $H_{c2}(T)$ is linear in $T$ over a wide range of temperature (7 K $\le~T~\le$ 32 K) and has an upward curvature for $T$ close to $T_c$. These features are similar to other high $\kappa$, clean limit, boron-bearing intermetallics: $YNi_2B_2C$ and $LuNi_2B_2C$.