Recently, the high-efficient thermal recycle technology of waste has become an important subject all over the world. In order to complete a highly-efficient waste burning boiler that produces the steam level of 500°C/100ata, the development and application of corrosion-resistant materials for use in a severely corrosive environment are key-technology, combining with corrosion prevention methods on designing and engineering of plants. The characteristics of high-temperature corrosion factors and corrosion behavior in waterwall and superheater tubes of waste-to-energy boiler are described first in this report. Then, the current development and application of corrosion-resistant boiler tubings and high-temperature coatings used for this kind of severe corrosive condition are summarized. Many kinds of alloys containing effective elements for corrosion tubings, and also applied by the coating processes of weld overlay and metal spraying. Furthermore, investigations of corrosion mechanism and laboratory evalutation methods which have a good reproducibility of an actual boiler are strongly needed to develop new materials.