Effects of finite laser coherence in quasielastic multiple scattering

We have studied the amplitude and temporal correlations of intensity fluctuations of multiply scattered light transmitted through a colloidal suspension. When the coherence length lc of the incident light becomes comparable to the width of the probability distribution of photon-path lengths, both the amplitude and dynamics of intensity fluctuations become functions of lc. In this article we present a simple theory that relates these coherence effects to the photon path-length distribution P(L). We have tested this theory using P(L) calculated from computer simulations and from the diffusion approximation, and find that our theory qualitatively accounts for the observed dependences on coherence length. Our results indicate when the effects of finite laser coherence must be taken into account in quasielastic multiple scattering. In the few-scattering regime of quasielastic multiple scattering, we find that the intensity autocorrelation function generally has a stretched-exponential form, and we discuss the origin of this behavior.