Traitement ET Controle Glycemique De 1.200 Diabetiques Inscrits Dans Les Conventions Inami “Diabete”

Summary We have studied the characteristics of insulin therapy and home blood glucose monitoring of 1.200 diabetic patients (590 males, 610 females), mainly type I adults (age: 43 ± 19 years, mean ± 1 SD), attending a licensed diabetes center in Belgium which benefits from a National Health Service convention system for providing education and home blood glucose monitoring kits and disposables to diabetic subjects. 50% of these patients were treated with 2 daily insulin injections, while 22% were treated with 3 and 24% witli 4 daily injections. 4% of the subjects were treated with a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Patients treated with four daily injections were younger than those treated with other insul in schemes (p < 0.001). Home blood glucose monitoring strip consumption was 2.2 patient-1 dah-1. The mean HbAic level was 8.63 ± 1.55% [8.54 ± 1.46 in males and 8.72 ± 1.62% in females (NS)]. In more than one third of the subjects treated with injections, HbAic Was lower than 8%. HbA i c was also below 8% in 50% of patients using 1100–1200 strips.year-1.