Site-directed serology with synthetic peptides representing the large glycoprotein G of respiratory syncytial virus.

A set of 23 nested 15-amino-acid-long peptides with overlaps of 5 amino acids, representing the complete extramembranous part of the large glycoprotein G of respiratory syncytial (RS) virus, was analyzed in ELISA against different sera containing virus-specific antibodies. Seven of the peptides reacted with rabbit hyperimmune sera against purified virions. In contrast, only one of these seven peptides reacted with murine monoclonal antibodies specific for G. In connection with RS virus infections in humans, increase of antibody titers against three peptides was found in about one-third of the cases. These three peptides were included among those identified by both murine and rabbit antibodies. The present findings may open possibilities for site-directed clinical serology in the case of RS virus infections.