Change in Carotenoids and Antioxidant Vitamins in Tomato as a Function of Varietal and Technological Factors

The change in the carotenoid and bioantioxidant content of tomato as a function of varietal and technological factors was investigated in the present work. No great differences were found between cultivars for fresh consumption (salad tomatoes) and those for processing in ascorbic acid content. The concentration of ascorbic acid ranged between 14.6 and 21.7 mg/100 g fresh weight of ripe tomato fruit. Processing cultivars contained higher amounts of tocopherols, particularly α-tocopherol than tomatoes for fresh consumption. Significant differences could be obtained between the examined varieties with regard to carotenoid concentration. The different tomatoes varied not only in the total carotenoid content but also in the qualitative distribution of some pigments such as lycopene, β-carotene and lutein. During heat-based processing, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and carotenoids showed different role and response. Ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol quinone, and β-carotene were the most susceptible components toward thermal degradation. Keywords: Carotenoids; vitamin; tomatoes; technology