Precise representation of the J=3° energy levels of the m p n d and m s m p3 configurations in Si i, Ge i, and Sn i using a perturbed coupled-channel model

Results given demonstrate the ability of an energy‐dependent coupled‐channel model which includes a perturbation function to represent precisely (σ≤0.30 cm1) all mpnd J=3° energy levels observed experimentally below the lowest ionization threshold for Si i, Ge i, and Sn i. In this model all energy dependence is placed into the closed‐coupled μα parameters. The energy‐independent Uiα elements of the frame transformation matrix are found to be close to those describing the transformation between pure LS‐ and jj‐coupled states. Inclusion of corrections for perturbations which depend on the energy separation of a perturber level from the levels in the channels permits the quantitative inclusion of the msmp3 J=3° levels. To the authors’ knowledge these examples are the first to demonstrate the ability of coupled‐channel models to reproduce entire, perturbed, strongly coupled multichannel‐ and multilimit‐based excited electronic structures observed below the lowest ionization limit to within the average experimental uncertainties of the energy levels.