Experimental and theoretical investigation of the spectroscopy and dynamics of multiply charged CO cations

The spectroscopy and the dynamics of CO2+ and CO3+ in the 35150-eV energy range have been studied using various complementary experiments, such as photoionization with synchrotron radiation, ion-ion coincidence technique, and H+ double-charge-transfer spectroscopy. In addition, ab initio calculations have been performed in order to obtain the potential-energy curves of the CO2+ electronic states lying between 35 and 60 eV. The lowest-energy state of CO2+ is shown to be predissociated. The metastable molecular doubly charged ions that appear at 40.75 eV energy correspond to transition(s) to the lowest-energy singlet state(s) of CO2+ Π1 and/or Σ+1. The formation of the C+ (2 Pu)+O+ (4 Su) ion pair is shown to have a threshold energy of 38.4±0.5 eV and is ascribed to highly excited (CO* )+ states, which autoionize into the double-ionization continuum. For most of the observed states, the partial cross section is reported from threshold up to 130 eV. No metastable CO3+ can be observed. The dominating dissociative path of triply charged molecular ions is the formation of the C2++O+ ion pair, for which we report the cross section up to 140 eV. The appearance energy is 81±2 eV. The comparison of the double-photoionization cross section for the gas-phase molecule with previous photodesorption results is discussed.