Thermal stability of ion-implanted hydrogen in ZnO

The evolution of implanted 2H profiles in single-crystal ZnO was examined as a function of annealing temperature (500–700 °C) by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The as-implanted profiles show a peak concentration of ∼2.7×1019cm−3 at a depth of ∼0.96 μm for a dose of 1015cm−2. Subsequent annealing causes outdiffusion of 2H from the ZnO, with the remaining hydrogen decorating the residual implant damage. Only 0.2% of the original dose is retained after annealing at 600 °C. Rutherford backscattering/channeling of samples implanted with 1H at a dose of 1016cm−2 showed no change in backscattering yield near the ZnO surface, but did result in an increase near the end-of-range from 6.5% of the random level before 1H implantation to ∼7.8% after implantation. Results of both cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence studies show that even for a 1H dose of 1015cm−2, the intensity of the near gap emission from ZnO is reduced more than 2 orders of magnitude from the values in unimplanted samples. This is due to the formation of effective nonradiative recombination centers associated with ion-beam-induced defects.