Myasthenia gravis and monoclonal IgG gammopathy

Monoclonal Ig[immunoglobulin]G gammopathy of the .lambda. L-chain type was detected in a 51 yr old woman with unexplained fever, muscle fatigue and myalgia. One year later, myasthenia gravis was diagnosed. There was no evidence of myelomatosis or other malignancy. On the assumption that her M-component (gammopathic paraprotein) was related to myasthenia, she was treated with melphalan and cyclophosphamide, but her clinical condition was not improved. Despite therapeutic trials of other agents and a time course of 6 yr, the quantity of the M-component remained unchanged. Serum AChR [acetylcholine receptor] antibody activity was not located in the paraprotein peak. The findings did not support a relationship between the M-component and myasthenia gravis.