Some thermodynamic relationships which include volume and pressure effects are presented for the case of the ideal bulk type-II superconductor. On the basis of published data, it is assumed that the upper-critical-field transition at (Hc2,Ts) occurs without discontinuities in the entropy and magnetization and without infinite discontinuities in the second-order derivatives of the Gibbs free energy. For an ellipsoidal specimen in an applied field H directed along a principal axis at (Hc2,Ts), Clapeyron- and Ehrenfest-type equations yield ΔV=0, ΔK=(S04πV)(Hc2P)2T, and Δβ=(S04πV)(Hc2P)T(Hc2T)P. Here Δ indicates the difference between the superconducting- and normal-state values at constant H; V is the specimen volume (which is shown to be field-dependent in the superconducting type-II mixed state); K=V1(VP)H,T is the isothermal compressibility; βV1(VT)H,P is the thermal expansivity; and So{[4π(IsIn)]H}P,T, where Is and In are the total superconducting- and normal-state magnetic moments and the derivative is taken at (Hc2,Ts).