Determination of Electron and Positron Helicity with Møller and Bhabha Scattering

The determination of the helicity of electrons and positrons from beta decay by means of electron-electron (Møller) and positron-electron (Bhabha) scattering is discussed. The theoretical background, the apparatus, and the experimental procedure are treated in detail. The apparatus included, in addition to the conventional parts, a beta monochromator with a momentum resolution of 16% for the investigation of the energy dependence of the helicity. Experiments were performed with P32, Au198, RaE, and Ga68. In all cases, the helicities P were found to be proportional to vc. The measured helicities, in units of vc and averaged over the observed range of energies, are summarized as follows. (The errors given are statistical only; systematic errors are estimated to be less than ±3%).