The Action of Phenothiazine on the Metabolism of Infective Nematode Larvae

Phenothiazine when added to cultures of purified eggs or larvae was inhibitored to development; added bile did not increase this action. Embryonation was inhibited at a concentration of 0.0013 [image] phenothiazine while hatching was inhibited at 0.003 [image]. Phenothiazine (0.005M) inhibited oxygen uptake of Haemonchus placei when the following substrates were added; endogenous (control), glucose, pyruvate, a-ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid, or fumaric acid. However, phenothiazine only inhibited production of radioactive CO, when a-ketoglutaric acid was the substrate for H. placei larvae. when the same substrate was used phenothiazine also inhibited the rate of methylene blue reduction. It appears from these data that phenothiazine inhibits either a decarboxylase or dehydrogenase system involved in the converson of a-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid.