Order-disorder in the Jahn-Teller transition ofLaMnO3:A Raman scattering study

The high-T “orthorhombic-cubic” Jahn-Teller (JT) transition of a polycrystalline sample of LaMnO3 is studied by Raman scattering. A CaMnO3 ceramic sample is used as a reference compound. Dramatic broadening of the LaMnO3 Raman modes are observed as T approaches the JT transition temperature (TJT) from below. The strong T dependence of the phonon linewidth suggests that considerable lattice disorder is already present at temperatures well below TJT. Our results indicate that the JT transition in LaMnO3 is of order-disorder type and is driven by thermally activated eg orbital disorder of the Mn3+ ion in the MnO6 octahedra.