Liver protocollagen proline hydroxylase in human liver diseases and experimental liver fibrosis

Liver protocallagen proline hydroxylase activity (PPH activity) was determined in patients with various liver diseases, CCl4-induced liver fibrosis rats and cholin deficiency (CD) fatty liver rats. The following results were obtained: Liver PPH activity in patients with chronic hepatitis was higher than that in patients with acute hepatitis, while the activity in patients with liver cirrhosis was much higher than that in patients with chronic hepatitis. The activity was higher in patients with chronic active hepatitis than in those with chronic inactive hepatitis. Patients with active and progressive liver cirrhosis were found to have an especially high PPH activity, in whom the activity reflected well the degree of liver fibrosis. Even though fibrosis in persistent hepatitis was almost negligible or slight, the degree of liver PPH activity in persistent hepatitis was similar to that in liver cirrhosis. Liver PPH activities in CCl4-induced liver fibrosis rats and CD fatty liver rats elevated proportionally to the lapse of time. Whilst liver PPH activity in rats of CD fatty liver without fibrosis in 23 to 31 weeks after the start of the experiment was slightly lower than that in rats of CD fatty liver with fibrosis. But liver PPH activity of the former was considerably higher than that of control rats.