PUVAME - New French Approach for Vulnerable Road Users Safety

—In France, about 33% of roads victims are VRU, includes VRU Safety. The PUVAME project was created to generate solutions to avoid collisions between,VRU and,Bus in urban,traffic. An important part of these collisions take place at intersection or bus,stop. In this paper, we detail the hardware and software architecture designed,and developped,in the project. This solution is based on offboard,cameras,observing,particular places (intersection and bus stop in our,case) to detect and,track VRU present in the environment. The position of the bus is also computed,and a risk of collision between,each VRU and the bus is determined. In case of high risk of collision, the bus driver is warned. The HMI to warn the bus driver is also described. Finally, some experimental results are presented.

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