Identification of the double acceptor state of isolated nickel in gallium arsenide

The zero-phonon line (ZPL) at 4615 cm1 in the absorption spectrum of n-type GaAs:Ni has been measured under uniaxial stress and magnetic field. The observed ZPL splittings conclusively demonstrate that the ZPL is due to the Γ7(T22)Γ8(E2) intracenter transition of isolated Ni+(3d9), thus confirming that the doubly ionized state of the Ni acceptor is a stable charge state in n-type GaAs. The g factors of the ground state (g7=1.16) and of the excited state (g1=1.31,g2=0.29) are analyzed in terms of the Jahn-Teller ε-mode coupling within the T22 ground state.