Stopping powers of havar, Nickel, Kapton and Mylar for 3-18 MeV7Li Ions

Stopping powers and energy losses of 2.6-18.0 MeV 7Lin+ ions were measured in transmission geometry for 2.0 μm Havar, 2.7 μm nickel, 8.8 μm Kapton, and for 3.3 μm and 12.2 μm Mylar foils. The experimental data were compared with calculated predictions obtained by using Bragg's addivity rule and using the Andersen-Ziegler parameters for proton stopping with appropriate scaling for lithium ions. The present stopping power data for nickel agree well with the scarce values available in the literature. For the composite foils no previous data may be found. Distinct disagreement between the present results and calculated predictions was observed in all cases.

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