Study ofB0ρ+ρdecays and constraints on the CKM angleα

We present results from an analysis of B0ρ+ρ decays using (383.6±4.2)×106 BB¯ pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory at SLAC. The measurements of the B0ρ+ρ branching fraction, longitudinal polarization fraction fL, and the CP-violating parameters Slong and Clong are as follows: B(B0ρ+ρ)=(25.5±2.1(stat)3.9+3.6(syst))×106, fL=0.992±0.024(stat)0.013+0.026(syst), Slong=0.17±0.20(stat)0.06+0.05(syst), Clong=0.01±0.15(stat)±0.06(syst). We determine the unitarity triangle angle α, using an isospin analysis of Bρρ decays. One of the two solutions, α=[73.1,117.0]° at 68% confidence level, is compatible with standard model-based fits of existing data. Constraints on the unitarity triangle are also evaluated using an SU(3) symmetry-based approach.