Extrapancreatic Insulin-Secreting Tumor

DOEGE1 reported, in 1930, the first case of fibro-sarcoma associated with hypoglyccmia; however, it was not until 1942 that the specific syndrome of spontaneous hypoglycemia associated with tumors of mesodermal origin was clearly recognized.2 Since that time 39 new cases have been described.3 The location of the tumors has been almost equally distributed between the thoracic, intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal locations. The genesis of this hypoglycemia has remained unexplained for the most part; however, August and Hiatt,4 Miller et al.,5 Volk6 and Whitney and Massey7 have demonstrated insulin-like activity in tumor extracts in patients with hypoglycemia associated with sarcomas.The purpose . . .