Cytopress: Automated slide preparation of cytologic material from suspension

This paper describes a new automated system to prepare slides of cytological material from suspension. The system collects material on a filter tape by filtration and transfers it to glass slides by means of pressure‐fixation. Using cervical cells as a model, results show that a well‐defined cell number is evenly deposited over a standardized area, while a small number of cells is retained on the tape and a negligible number lost in the filtrate. Contamination is very small. Application of the system to other cytological material (fine needle aspirations, monolayer and cell suspension cultures, agar cultures, and isolated nuclei) is shown. In general, more than one slide can be made from one sample. Several histological staining procedures as well as immunofluorescence labeling protocols can be applied to the preparations obtained in this way. This system thus introduces a method that will standardize specimen preparation, is quick, saves operator time, and can be used for both diagnostic and research applications.