Transition to Retirement: Gender Differences

The present investigation consisted of two studies which attempted: 1) to assess the replicability of the investigation by Wapner and Hornstein [1] and Hornstein and Wapner [2, 3] that uncovered four distinct modes of experiencing the transition to retirement, and 2) to advance that work by focusing on gender differences. The preliminary study, based on analyses of twenty-four case studies reported by Wapner and Hornstein suggested it would be profitable to study gender differences in a more systematic manner [1]. Toward this end, the major study involved construction of four appropriate instruments which were administered to ninety-four (48 women, 46 men) recent retirees. The four retirement categories (I. Transition to Old Age; II. New Beginning; III. Continuation; IV. Imposed Disruption) described in those investigations was replicated. Moreover, striking gender differences emerged. Theoretical and practical implications of the study were explored.

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