Photoluminescence of RbCaF3:Mn2+: the influence of phase transitions

Precise photoluminescence measurements on an RbCaF3:Mn2+ sample containing only 400 p.p.m. of Mn2+ have been carried out in the 10-300 K temperature range. The results are compared with those obtained in other fluoroperovskites doped with Mn2+. The analysis of the 6A1g(S) to 4T1g(G) excitation peak at room temperature leads to a Mn2+-F- distance R=213.3 pm which is close to that derived from the experimental isotropic superhyperfine constant, As. The plot of the first moment of the emission band, M1, against temperature reveals a slight but sensible change of slope at T=193 K which is associated with the Oh1 to D4h18 structural phase transition of the host lattice. Furthermore, at T=40 K, M1 undergoes an abrupt increase of approximately 100 cm-1. This fact supports the existence of another phase transition involving an increase Delta R/R approximately=0.2% upon cooling, and thus a situation which is similar to that detected in the structural phase transition of KMnF3 at Tc3=81.5 K. To the authors' knowledge this is the first time that clear evidence of both phase transitions in RbCaF3 has been achieved through an optical probe. Finally the variation of the 4A1g(G), 4Eg(G) peak, E3, along the fluoroperovskite series is analysed.