Effects of prolonged undernutrition on structure and function of the diaphragm

The present study examined the effect of prolonged undernutrition on diaphragmatic structure and force-generating ability. Studies were performed on 58 Syrian hamsters in which the feed was reduced by 33% for a 4-wk period. Sixty animals fed a similar diet ad libitum served as controls. Diaphragm muscle structure was assessed from its mass (wet and dry weight), thickness, fiber composition, and fiber size. Isometric force produced in vitro by isolated muscle strips in response to electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve was examined over a range of muscle lengths (length-tension relationship). In undernourished animals, body weight decreased 25 +/- 5%. Diaphragm wet and dry weight, muscle thickness, and the cross-sectional area of fast-glycolytic (FG) and fast-oxidative (FO) fibers were significantly less in undernourished than control animals and correlated with reductions in body weight. The cross-sectional area of slow-oxidative (SO) fibers was the same in the two groups. The percentage of FG fibers in undernourished animals was decreased slightly and the percentage of SO fibers increased. Maximum isometric tension was reduced in undernourished animals as compared with controls, but the position and shape of the length-tension relationship was the same in the two groups. Reductions in muscle force appeared to be explained by decreases in muscle mass, since tension corrected for cross-sectional area or tissue weight was the same in the two groups. Therefore muscle mechanical efficiency appeared to be unaffected by undernutrition. These data indicate that prolonged undernutrition causes deleterious changes in diaphragm muscle structure that impair its ability to generate force.