Piezoelectric Properties of Niobium-Doped [Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)1-xTix]O3 Ceramics Material near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary

The physical and electrical properties of Pb[(Sc1/2Nb1/2)1- x Ti x ]O3 (x=0.40–0.45)+0.01 PbNb2 O6 piezoelectric polycrystalline ceramic materials near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) were investigated. The maximum dielectric constant (ε 33 T/ε 0=3200) and maximum piezoelectric constant (d 33=590×10-12 m/V) were found at x=0.435, where the coupling factors were k p=67 %, k 31=41 %, and k 33=74 %. The maximum electromechanical coupling factors, (k p=71 %, k 31=44 %, and k 33=77 %) were found at x=0.420, where ε 33 T/ε 0=2080 and d 33=480×10-12 m/V were obtained. The x=0.420 composition exhibited the largest electromechanical coupling factor of all binary piezoelectric ceramics systems so far reported, including the most widely used conventional ceramic, Pb(Zr1- x , Ti x )O3.