Patterns of Argentophilic Papillae of Schistosoma rodhaini and S. mansoni Cercariae

Argentophilic papillar patterns on cercariae of S. rodhaini from Kenya [found in Biomphalaria sudanica] and S Africa [from B. sudanica] and S. mansoni from Kenya [from B. sudanica and B. pfeifferi] and Brazil [from B. glabrata] were compared with each other and with earlier results on cercariae of a Puerto Rican stock. The basic total number of papillae of both species is the same (62), and the basic numbers of papillae in the various groups are the same: dorsal, 20; ventral, 18; lateral, 10 on each side and acetabular, 4. The cercariae of these 2 spp. differ, in patterns of papillae, chiefly the dorsal patterns, and can be distinguished from each other.