Examination of uncommon clinical isolates of human adenoviruses by restriction endonuclease analysis

Restriction endonuclease analysis [REA] was performed on reference strains of each unknown adenovirus subgenus, in comparison with 40 isolates not identified by routine methods of neutralization with antisera of species 1 to 8. Several uncommon species would not have been identified initially without the assistance of reference laboratories (species 15, 35, and 37). Other species were identified by comparison with published adenovirus DNA restriction endonuclease patterns or from DNA analysis of reference strains (species 31, 40, and 41). Some isolates could not be matched beyond the level of presumptive adenovirus subgenus. Genomic DNA REA of adenoviruses was useful for the identification of adenovirus isolates in a diagnostic virology laboratory. However, accurate interpretation of results will require more extensive DNA restriction endonuclease fragment analysis of a broader range of adenovirus species and genomic variant strains.